more authoritarian

美 [mɔːr əˌθɔːrəˈteriən]英 [mɔː(r) ɔːˌθɒrɪˈteəriən]
  • adj.专制的;威权主义的
  • authoritarian的比较级
more authoritarianmore authoritarian
  1. Mr Prince is reported to have become more authoritarian as the pressure told on him .


  2. More authoritarian states love such methods : photos are taken at checkpoints , and images checked against recent participants in protests .


  3. The Tories keenest on elected police commissioners are also those who yearn for more authoritarian policing ( and who think that the public agrees with them ) .


  4. Reportedly jovial in private , he reveals a wry wit in public , and is known as a more liberal father than his more authoritarian and austere brother .
